Sophie Bishop / Inclusive Arts Practice MA

CollabArtMotion is an arts-based research project that took place over a series of workshops in November/December 2019, with Participants from mental health charity, Artspace. The aim was to explore how stop-motion animation might be used as a tool to create a calm space that promotes collaboration. During these workshops we embarked on a creative journey with a planned yet adaptable goal, to create a 30 second stop-motion animation.

As a group we explored various materials which prompted discussions around themes and ideas. We investigated animation principles through warm-up activities using ‘play’. This minimised fears of going ‘wrong’ as there were no expected outcomes. Play can often be seen as frivolous in the context of Inclusive Arts and I wanted to challenge this notion. Utilising play in the workshops was a rich experience which lent itself well as a precursor to entering flow state, which became one of the main themes of my Research.

Animation accommodated for not only a diverse range of ideas and perspectives but also a wide variety of skills, i.e. 2D backgrounds and 3D model making. This made it very inclusive and therefore a perfect medium for collaboration. This quotation about collaboration runs parallel to what I found animation has to offer:

“Collaboration thrives on diversity of perspectives and on constructive dialogues between individuals negotiating their differences while creating their shared voice and vision.” (John-Steiner 2006 pg.6)

Materials were brought to life through animation and played such a vital role during the workshops. The seeds that grew into ideas and stories, the tools for collaboration and connection. My creative responses explore these connections by highlighting the tactility of those materials and reflecting on our creative, collaborative journey.





A sponge, clothes peg, brown paper and a stone
Another Context (2020)





Rainbow paint marks
Building Blocks of Flow (2020)